IJAAR (International Journal of Applied Ayurved Research)(ISSN - 2347 6362) is a Bi-monthly(6 issues per year) online Double Blind peer Review journal (open access freely online) which Focuses on Ayurvedic conceptual descriptions, recent updates, Research Articles, Successful case reports and Events related to Ayurveda. IJAAR creates a common plot forum for Reviewed Revalidated and scientifically proven data for students, practitioners, and Research scholars thus it contributes to the Ancient system of medicine to reach globally. submit your manuscript to publish in the coming issue

The last date for submission of the manuscript is 28th  FEB 2025 for MARCH 2025. ISSUE

Ijaar Invites editorial Resumes experience and interested active participants in subjects Striroga and Prasooti Tantra, Kayachikista, Shalakya Tantra, Rasa Shastra& B.K., Dravya Guna, Pancha Karma, Rognidan.

Impact Factor: Cosmos impact factor: http://www.cosmosimpactfactor.com/page/search_journals

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IJAAR is included in the list of journals following the ICMJE guidelines.

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We assigned for Crossref DOI, Our DOI Prefix is 10.70057

Indexed in the ICI Journals Master List 2022