
  • Rajini P MS (Ay),Prasoothitantra Streeroga, Research Fellow, Dept of prasoothitantra streeroga, Govt. Ayurveda College, Trivandrum, Kerala
  • Maya Balakrishnan Professor & HOD, Dept of prasoothitantra streeroga, Govt. Ayurveda College, Thripunithura, Kerala


Udavarta, Primary dysmenorrhea, Plashintholadi kashayam, saindhava


Dysmenorrhoea is a common gynaecologic disorder which is estimated to occur in 20 - 90% of women of reproductive age. Primary dysmenorrhoea refers to painful periods without pelvic pathology which usually begins around the onset of menstruation & lasts less than three days which is widely prevalent. This situation not only has a significant effect on quality of life and personal health but also results in scholastic backwardness and depression. In Ayurveda Udavarta yonivyapat can be considered as Primary dysmenorrhoea explained in modern texts. Considering the above facts Plashintholadi kashayam mentioned in sahasrayogam which is specifically indicated for gulma sula was selected for the study. The study design was interventional - Pre and Post test with a sample size of 30. Patients with regular cycles, diagnosed as Primary dysmenorrhoea of age group 15-30 years from OPD of Govt. Ayurveda college hospital for women and children, Poojapura, Thiruvananthapuram was selected for the study. Patients were advised to take kashaya in the dose of 48ml twice daily 30 minutes before food along with 500mg of saindhava. Administration of drug started 7 days before menstruation and continued till 3rd day of menstruation for three consecutive cycles. Follow up was done for the next three cycles. Data obtained was analysed statistically. The study drug Plashintholadi kashayam had shown effect in controlling pain in primary dysmenorrhoea and associated complaints such as low back ache, nausea, vomiting etc. On conclusion the study revealed that the research drug Plashintholadi kashayam was effective in treating primary dysmenorrhoea.


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How to Cite

Rajini P, & Maya Balakrishnan. (2020). EFFECT OF PLASHINTHOLADI KASHAYAM IN PRIMARY DYSMENORRHOEA. International Journal of Applied Ayurved Research, 4(6), 532–536. Retrieved from https://ijaar.in/index.php/journal/article/view/740



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