
  • Palshetkar Rahul D Professor,Sanskrit Samhita Siddhant KSV Ayurvedic Medical College and Research Center,Gangoh,Saharanpur,U.P.
  • Patki Priya M Professor,Sanskrit Samhita Siddhant, B.R.Harne Ayurvedic Medical College, KaravVangan


Upanah Swedan, Ayurvedic Bandage-Plaster, Articular Periarticular Disease


Background: Articular disorders lead to joint pain which sometimes become unbearable to the patient. The standard care of treatment for articular diseases includes oral medicines, local application of anti inflammatory analgesic drugs, physiotherapy and eventually surgical management which may not be economically suitable for the mass population. Most of the patients suffering from Articular and Periarticular diseases do not opt for surgical interventions. Apart from invasive and costly treatments Ayurved science has solutions like Snehan, Swedana karmas along with per oral medication for the same. Upanah Swedan is one of the four swedan types described by Ashtang Hruday (classical text book from Bruhatrayi). The classical method of Upanaha Swedan has been modified in this experiment. Objectives: To enhance the use and acceptability of Upanaha Swedana by patients and Vaidyas with the convenient method. Methods: Plastic Soft wrapper is used as the enclosure for the Swedan Dravyas instead of the classical method of using leather, silk, cotton or woollen enclosure. The current study is carried with three different methods in 27 patients. Results: 27 patients were subjected to the new technique for 15 sittings each. The modification of the procedure has been tried for total 405 sittings. The Swedan Dravya remained undisturbed till 12 hrs without leakage. The patient could perform his daily non strenuous activities well with reduction in the symptoms. Discussion: The modification in the classical method of Upanaha Swedana was found to be more convenient for the patients which ultimately resulted in better compliance and relief of symptoms. It could prevent the inconvenience caused by leakage of the drugs and drug odor which is likely to occur in conventional Upanaha Swedana method and it is affordable. Conclusion: After scrutinizing the compiled data, we can conclude that, this modified method of Upanaha Swedana is more convenient than the traditional method and affordable too.


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How to Cite

Palshetkar Rahul D, & Patki Priya M. (2020). MODIFICATION OF “UPANAHA SWEDAN PROCESS” IN ARTICULAR DISEASES. International Journal of Applied Ayurved Research, 4(6), 537–542. Retrieved from



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