
  • Rao Veena G Professor Dept. of PG Studies in Panchakarma JSS Ayurveda Medical College &Hospital Lalithadripura road, Mysuru, Karnataka
  • Patil Deepa C Reader Dept. of Kayachikitsa JSS Ayurveda Medical College &Hospital, Mysore, Karnataka
  • Prashanth Akila Professor, Centre for Medical Genomics and counselling & Centre of Excellence in molecular Biology and Regenerative Medicine Department of Biochemistry, JSS Medical college JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mysuru


Osteoporosis, Asthikshaya, Gandha taila, Serum Osteocalcin, Serum ALP


Osteoporosis is defined as a disease in which there is “Low bone mass and micro architectural deterioration of bone tissue” which increases bone fragility and leads to a high risk of fracture. Asthikshaya can be paralleled with osteoporosis. According to the principle of ashraya-ashrayee bhava, asthi dhatu is the seat of vata dosha. Asthi and vata are inversely proportional to each other regarding vriddhi & kshaya. Vriddha vata leads to kshaya of asthi. Though virechana, tiktaghrita, ksheera basti, asthivardhaka dravyas etc are the treatments for asthikshaya; bahya & abhyantara sneha have been considered as the choice of treatment for asthimajjagata vata. ‘Gandha taila’ is one such sneha which can be administered orally and said to be good to bestow sturdiness to the bone. So, in this clinical study, a novel formulation “Gandha taila” was administered orally in 51 subjects of osteoporosis for a duration of 4 months to see the improvement in BMD and influence over biochemical markers of bone formation i.e. serum osteocalcin & Alkaline Phosphatase(ALP). In this study, Gandha taila has shown overall improvement as measured by increase in the BMD indicating its positive influence over the bone density. The reduction in the serum osteocalcin indicates that it acts as an inhibitor of bone resorption. The analysis of outcome has given very promising result in the management of osteoporosis and understanding the probable mode of action of Gandha taila over osteoporosis.


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How to Cite

Rao Veena G, Patil Deepa C, & Prashanth Akila. (2020). EFFICACY OF GANDHA TAILA ON OSTEOPOROSIS A CLINICAL STUDY. International Journal of Applied Ayurved Research, 4(6), 543–555. Retrieved from https://ijaar.in/index.php/journal/article/view/742



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