
  • Sharma Kirti P.G. Scholar, Department of Agad Tantra evam Vidhi Ayurved, Govt Ayurvedic College, Raipur (C.G.)
  • Upadhyay Pooja P.G. Scholar, Department of Agad Tantra evam Vidhi Ayurved, Govt Ayurvedic College, Raipur (C.G.)
  • Inchulkar S.R. Professor & HOD, Department of Agad Tantra evam Vidhi Ayurved, Govt Ayurvedic College, Raipur (C.G.)
  • Kaushik Yuvraj Lecturer, Department of Agad Tantra evam Vidhi Ayurved, Govt Ayurvedic College, Raipur (C.G.)
  • Mishra Pragya Technical Program (Pharmacovigilence) officer, All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi


Opium, Poisoning, Opioids, Morphine, Narcosis, Uses etc


Opium is classified in somniferous or narcotic poison is called poppy and afim also, which is derived from Papaver somniferum, an annual plant with white or red flowers growing on a central bulbous pod. Crude opium has a characteristic odor and bitter taste. Opium is the dried juice obtained by incision of the unripe capsule of white poppy, when the capsule is still on the plant. It is dark brown or black in colour. India produces 70 to 80% of opium that is used worldwide by pharmaceutical companies to manufacture several vital drugs including morphine, codeine, and pethidine because they are used to lessen pain and induce sleep. Poisoning may occur from any of the preparations containing opium, its alkaloids or their derivatives. Opium addiction or chronic poisoning may also occur and opiates are common among the drugs of abuse in India. In cities like Mumbai, Delhi, etc. It is a poison of choice to commit suicide. Accidental opium poisoning is also common. Drugging of children by opium to keep them quiet, and overdose of medicines may result in accidental poisoning. This article is showed opium uses and its toxicity as well as post-mortem findings and its medico-legal importance.



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How to Cite

Sharma Kirti, Upadhyay Pooja, Inchulkar S.R., Kaushik Yuvraj, & Mishra Pragya. (2021). OPIUM POISONING AND ITS PHARMACOLOGICAL USES: A REVIEW. International Journal of Applied Ayurved Research, 4(12), 1353–1360. Retrieved from https://ijaar.in/index.php/journal/article/view/956



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